Punarnava arq An Ayurvedic remedy for so many diseases
About Punarnava arq
- A herbal remedy so many kind of problems like Jaundice anaemia, hepatitis, Dysurea, Diabetes Renal disorder, Hepatic disorder.
- A healthy person can also use it to stay healthy, no side effect
5-10ml twice or thrice a day, or as prescribed by your physician or doctor.
Key Ingredient
Punarnava (Boerhaavea diffusa):?
The alkaloid was isolated in just sufficeient quantity for pharmacological experiments. It had a bitter taste and the hydrochloride was obtained in crystalline form. It has been named ‘Punarnavine”. It contains a sulphate of a body alkaloidal in nature 0.04% potassium nitrate 6.41% an oily amorphous mass of the nature of a fat, sulphate and chloride and traces of nitrates and chlorates from the ash. the sulphate of the allcaloid is described as small needle shaped crystals brownish white in apperance when in mass.
Its action is bitter, stomachic, laxative, diuretic, expectorant, diaphoretic. emetic, purgative. anthalmintic and febrifuge. on liver the action is principally secondry and in combination with other drug. The while variety is efficient in oedema, anaemia, heart bdisease, cough and
intestinal colic beneficial in aedema, haemorrhage and biliousness, in
tratment of chronic alcoholism, jaundice and ascites, early cirrhosis of liver chronic peritonitis.
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